29 disember 2010...
ak g dating ngan si buncit....hehe
dye kate nk celebrate my bufday....
igt kn leh la dating lame2 skit kn...
dh tu, dye cbok nk tgk bola plak....
xpe la kn....
ktorang g mkn kt restoran thai....
n n i try THAI CENDOL...
woahh...laen kot ngan cendol biase..at last x abes pown...hehe....bguskn ak?? *senget
then, order krabu mangga...sumpah sdap ouh....
my buncit plak order pulut mangga....act, ak xpenah mkn, tp rase skit....n its taste good jugak....
n as usual la menu ktorang, TOMYAM AYAM....hehe....
sdap gak la...
n also siakap sweet n sour n kailan ikan masin (his faveret...)
n n i have to buy bantal for me...sbb si buncit xbwk my bantal....
i tau la bantal i best....hahaha.....
n dye tunai kn my wish....i want a CAKE...
i choose my faveret CHOCOLATE INDULGENCE n wanna try TIRAMISU too...
btw by, thanx alot for all of dat ya....i do really appreciate it....
eventhough there is no present...haha....but d memory was really great enough....
miss u badly la by syg.....