Before this, aku selalu cakap orang lain loser....
Tapi sekarang aku yang loser...Yes! I am LOSER!
Aku tak tau nak cakap macam mana....
Its hard...really hard...
Pernah tak korang rase someone yang korang sayang, ignore korang??
Memang la aku akui I had make a mistake....
Tapi jangan la sampai buat aku macam ni...
And yeah, just dapat tau, that he don't wanna read my blog...
Eventhough he is the only person pembaca blog aku yang 'TEGAR'...
I don't know how to express my feelings right now....
Super duper TOUCH....
Tapi nak buat macam mana kan...
Tears...please don't come out anymore...PLEASE!
ni sumber kekuatan aku...Aeron... |
p/s: I know that, you will not read this.....~_~