It has been awhile
since my last post. Almost 3years not update. OMG! Haha. Berhabuk teruk dah ni.
As usual, lots of things happened within this 3 years. My online business quite
ok. My working life pon boleh tahan. My personal life so kelam kabut. How to get
rid the memories that almost 6years in your heart and mind? I’m so wondering
how some people can easily forget. I need that ability too.
At some point bila
kita sendiri rase everything is over, we should leaved. But somehow, where can I
get that kind of strength? Kadang orang senang je cakap,”ko lupa kan jela dia”.
I really hope it will be that easy.
I feel like I’m “drowning”
in all the promises and hopes. I wish I never get through all this. The pain
that I feel is only me who feel it.